If you ask a foreigner, especially
a European, they’d say Americans are neurotic. Which is true, of course. Most
of the world doesn't really get the “on time” idea. Time is irrelevant when
life is being lived. We Americans worry and obsess over our near and distant futures that
we forget the ‘why’ in our mania over the ‘how.’ That is, when achieving a goal
trumps the process of achieving. We’re so concerned with… well, we’re just so
concerned. We’re going places quickly, we’re crunching for deadlines, we’re
skimming to get through it. We’re left at the end thinking there’s just not
enough time in the day to get everything done. But, what exactly are we getting
done? What did I actually do today? I went to a class that quantifies my
knowledge and ability to perceive into a range of five letters. (My sociology
class is rationalizing and standardizing me. Hilarious!) Then I spent two whole
hours trying to get a discount on train tickets that I bought to go see my
family this weekend to postpone my inevitable nervous breakdown I’ll have from
fear of failure in this crucial time in my life: college. Then I ate. Then I
went to another class which is modeled entirely by bureaucrats, or “bean
counters” as my professor likes to call them, because it’s a general education
requirement for every degree here- so of course it has to be useless. They clearly weren't able to distinguish the
difference between accumulating points and learning. Then I ate again. Then I
went to an Undergraduates For Publishing meeting where, instead of paying
attention to the author Q&A that the meeting was for, I found myself much
more interested with what the girl in front of me was doing with her hair. She
had some of it in this little clip and then slowly wrapped other groups of hair
around it, to make this kind of swirly line along her head. Then she undid it.
She did this over and over again the entire time. And I watched her- the entire
time. Then I went back to my room, ate some more, got kicked out because my
roommate needs to be in a cone of silence in order to go to sleep, and then
finally ended up here, in the floor common room, where I’m writing this shit at
1:00 in the morning instead of doing my homework that’s due… today. And I sat,
an hour ago, thinking there’s just not enough hours in the day, asking where
all the time went. Where did it go?
What am I doing? I’m trying to stay
sane and alive in a place that I’m just using to get my degree to hopefully get
a good job in a field that I’m hoping I’ll be able to stand for the rest of my
life so that I can earn enough money to get my own home in which I can have
kids and then save enough to send them off to do the same exact thing. And I
call that happiness. I’m going to college so that one day I can achieve real
happiness. People here always say that, don’t they? “What do you want in life?”
“I just want to be happy, man.” And then they spend at least a good ten years of
scurrying around, frantically keeping connections and building resumes to get
to “happiness.” Foreigners don’t get it. They’re happy in that moment that they’re
living in. For them, happiness isn't some distant notion that’s directly associated
with the success of their pursuits. It’s just not about pursuits. The moment is
there, given to them, and they choose to savor it. Do you think they have it
If you asked Freud, we’d surely be
his next case history on severe neuroses. We’re abnormally sensitive,
obsessive, tense and anxious. And yet somehow, America is the top nation in the
world in just about everything. We are the world’s big sister (I say sister
because we are much more involved with fashion and gossip than a typical big
brother would be). If we go down, so does everyone else. When we have good
times, the world has good times (well, except most of Africa- they’re kind of
in a perpetual bad time). So maybe there’s something good to be said about
anxious Americans. After all, we created the land of opportunity. Isn't that
incredible? It certainly is.
If a neurotic nation can be so
awesome, that makes me feel a bit better about my being neurotic. I’m a little
bit crazy. I think way, way too much-
spend a whole hell of a lot more time in my head than I should. It’s made me
nuts. I’m in a constant state of worry about my near and distant future. And
then sometimes, it apexes, and I wonder what the fuck I’m doing here. I’m
always wrong and I’m seldom happy. I’m nothing more than the red ink on my
papers- and the anxiety it causes- the noise in my mind that it creates! But as
I walked into the common room, a profound silence hit me. The large windows
that face the city were illuminated by the fact that the whole room was dark. I
left my things in the entrance, and in a trance, made my way to the glass. I
gazed outside and laughed about how silly everyone looked on the street, being
so busy as they were, going home, or going to a club, or picking up some last
minute milk. I thought “this nation is so neurotic.” And then I remembered how
successful America is. How everyone looks up to us. How talented and beautiful
and great we are. We are successful, and so we are happy. Happiness for me, for America, is synonymous with success. Naturally,
that would make us a little anxious with the bar for happiness set so high. But
we reach it. And we surpass it. And we reach it again. Within the responsibility
of being awesome, comes the anxiety of meeting your own high standards.
It gave me hope that maybe I, too,
can be great. That I, too, can achieve happiness-
despite the fact that the pursuit of it makes me a little bit crazy.
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