Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Am The Walrus

Goo goo g'joob. 

Confusion's got me again. I'm lost all over. I don't even have the sense of direction enough to formulate what it is that I'm confused about. It seems though that it concerns my morality- or my feelings- or my self esteem- or some other teen cliché. I'm supposed to be perfect; I got it made. But not so made as to not know what not made is. I've just made so many countless mistakes that it makes me wonder where they came from. Maybe I have a reservoir in the depths of my being, full of mistakes that I can make. A reservoir with a very leaky damn. However, it's a rather new project and the program and maintenance staff need more time to mature. And even when that happens, a few mistakes will make their way out every now and then, right? John Lennon only realized much after the song was released that the Walrus was the villain in the poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter" by Lewis Carol. He meant the relation in the song to be to the carpenter. Upon realizing this he commented, "Oh, shit, I picked the wrong guy," and laughed on. The title of a song that is incredibly famous worldwide is a mistake. So, what's there to be confused about? I'm lost, but with good faith in upper management, I'll find my way. Mistakes get out every now and then and progress can be expected. I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.